About NMSC
The Northern Manitoba Sector Council (NMSC) is a not-for-profit corporation representing the region’s major employers in the Mining, Forestry, Energy and Health sectors. It was developed in response to northern employers’ expressed interests and challenges in the recruitment, training and retention of northern and Aboriginal people for northern employment opportunities.
The role of the NMSC, as an employer-led network, is to ensure that its Member’s needs are the starting point for future education and training initiatives. Aligning the development of northern human resources with employment opportunities, present and in future, is key to fostering sustainability.
The Northern Manitoba Sector Council is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of representatives from the member organizations:
- Chair – Richard Trudeau (Hudbay Minerals)
- Vice Chair – Tammy Paddock (KPI)
- Secretary Treasurer – Vacant
Funding comes from the Government of Manitoba and Government of Canada, as well as from industry member contributions. In house training initiatives are supported by the NMSC on a cost shared basis with employers. The NMSC will also apply for project funds as required to support key initiatives.
Positioning Statement
Northern Manitoba Sector Council – building a skilled workforce for northern Manitoba’s resource-based industries. Northern People for Northern Jobs.
To fuel northern Manitoba’s successful growth, the Northern Manitoba Sector Council we will collaborate with industry, government and educational institutions to support training that aligns with current and projected job opportunities in northern Manitoba, and will broadly promote northern industrial careers.
Northern Manitoba Sector Council will be an active, responsive advocate for healthy economic development in Northern Manitoba (by Aaron Olson). It will attract and build a skilled, motivated workforce committed to living in and loving our north.
Project Objectives
- Enhance Partnerships with Stakeholders to aid in training for employment related projects including workforce adjustment services for Northern people.
- Coordinate and project manage train to employment projects for Northern Manitoba people.
- Engage Northern youth in job and career awareness.
- Provide project management oversight and deliver industry workforce development training for Northern Manitoba Sector Council Board members.
Northern Sector Council 4 Pillars
Partnership Development and Workforce Adjustment
- Enhance collaboration and communication with Northern communities and Stakeholders to identify labor shortages and skill gaps to unemployed labor force
- Increase Job Training and employment opportunities in the Northern Region
- Deliver employment counselling, job search and employment transition support for any Northern Industry workforce adjustment
- Report to skills and Employment branch with project specific administration reporting
Training to Employment Projects
- Work with Northern communities and Industry and train to employment programs.
Stakeholders Engagement and Career Exploration for Youth
- Coordinate Northern Manitoba Youth in career/job fairs that will address necessary information to make informed career decisions.
- Coordinate guidance councilors and stakeholders to attend industry tours to gain necessary industry knowledge to support Northern students to make informed career decisions.
Industry Workforce Development
- With enhanced collaboration and partnerships with Northern employers this project will leverage one hundred and fifty thousand dollars as industry contribution to deliver industry training
- Coordinate and support Northern Industry to gain specific knowledge with their business goals
The Pas
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 146
The Pas, MB
R9A 1K3
Phone: 204.627.8685
Fax: 204.627.8600
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
PO Box 283
Thompson, MB
R8N 1N1
Phone: 204.778.6052
Fax: 204.778.6069
Flin Flon
Northern Manitoba Sector Council
#210 -135 Main St.
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1J4
Phone: 204.687.5032
Fax: 1.833.780.5331